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來(lái)源:http://www.alphabetfilmproduction.com   發(fā)布時(shí)間:2024-08-01      

在當今社交媒體和互聯(lián)網(wǎng)的時(shí)代,短視頻平臺如今已經(jīng)成為了人們獲取信息、娛樂(lè )放松的主要渠道之一。

In today's era of social media and the Internet, short video platform has become one of the main channels for people to obtain information, entertainment and relaxation.

越來(lái)越多的人投入到短視頻創(chuàng )作中,渴望能通過(guò)短視頻實(shí)現變現目標。

More and more people are investing in short video creation, hoping to achieve monetization goals through short videos.


How can one stand out with their products in the face of such fierce competition? The answer is: character design.


The Importance of Character Design


建立個(gè)人品牌形象通過(guò)定位自己在短視頻中的角色和特點(diǎn),創(chuàng )作者可以塑造出一個(gè)獨特、有個(gè)性的形象,從而吸引更多的觀(guān)眾和粉絲。例如抖音創(chuàng )作者@桃黑黑,在日常創(chuàng )作中用“脫口秀”的方式講述自己與家人、朋友之間的故事,吸引了大批粉絲;同時(shí)因為他經(jīng)常穿一件紅黑色的衛衣,所以粉絲們一見(jiàn)到那件衣服就會(huì )條件反射聯(lián)想到他。基于其獨具特色的人設,眾多品牌方(KFC、金拱門(mén)、瑞幸等)均聯(lián)系投放廣告。桃黑黑賬號視頻

By positioning their role and characteristics in short videos, creators can create a unique and distinctive image that attracts more viewers and fans. For example, Tiktok creator @ Tao Heihei used "talk show" to tell stories with his family and friends in his daily creation, attracting a large number of fans; At the same time, because he often wears a red and black hoodie, fans will instinctively associate him with that outfit. Based on its unique character, many brand partners (KFC, Golden Arches, Luckin Coffee, etc.) have contacted to place advertisements. Peach Blossom Black Account Video

提高觀(guān)眾粘性一個(gè)明確的人設定位可以幫助創(chuàng )作者吸引到一群具有相似興趣愛(ài)好或者共同需求的觀(guān)眾。當創(chuàng )作者在短視頻中展現出與觀(guān)眾群體緊密相關(guān)的內容時(shí),觀(guān)眾會(huì )對其產(chǎn)生共鳴和認同感,從而增加觀(guān)看視頻的黏性。例如對化妝變美有要求的受眾會(huì )重點(diǎn)關(guān)注美妝博主;對相關(guān)行業(yè)知識有興趣的也會(huì )針對性的去尋找創(chuàng )作者。這也是設立垂直人設的必要性之一,只有你對受眾提供價(jià)值,受眾才會(huì )持續關(guān)注你。美妝博主 @話(huà)梅 主頁(yè)視頻封面標題圈定人群 迅速吸睛

Improving audience stickiness: A clear character positioning can help creators attract a group of viewers with similar interests, hobbies, or common needs. When creators present content closely related to the audience in short videos, the audience will resonate and identify with it, thereby increasing the stickiness of watching the video. For example, audiences who have requirements for makeup to become beautiful will focus on beauty bloggers; Those who are interested in relevant industry knowledge will also search for creators with targeted approaches. This is also one of the necessities of establishing a vertical persona, as only when you provide value to the audience will they continue to pay attention to you. Beauty blogger @ Huamei homepage video cover title delineates the audience and quickly attracts attention

與其他創(chuàng )作者的差異化競爭短視頻平臺上創(chuàng )作者眾多,競爭激烈。一個(gè)明確的人設定位可以幫助創(chuàng )作者與其他創(chuàng )作者進(jìn)行差異化競爭。通過(guò)展現自己與眾不同的特點(diǎn)和風(fēng)格,創(chuàng )作者可以在眾多創(chuàng )作者中脫穎而出,吸引更多的觀(guān)眾關(guān)注。例如你是一位火鍋店老板,別的老板都在發(fā)鍋底怎么做、今天生意如何,你發(fā)的是通過(guò)火鍋店洞察到的社會(huì )百態(tài)、人間冷暖,差異化就會(huì )凸顯出來(lái)。再比如同樣是旅拍博主,大多數賬號都在發(fā)原片和成片對比,你在視頻中加入一些與客戶(hù)互動(dòng)的有趣鏡頭和攝影圣經(jīng),既能展示你挑選地點(diǎn)和指導姿勢的專(zhuān)業(yè)性,還能加強視頻的趣味性,人設差異化進(jìn)一步加強。@小不點(diǎn)與世姐的火鍋店 主頁(yè)視頻

There are numerous creators on short video platforms who compete fiercely with other creators for differentiation. A clear character positioning can help creators differentiate themselves from other creators in competition. By showcasing their unique characteristics and style, creators can stand out among numerous creators and attract more audience attention. For example, if you are a hot pot restaurant owner and other owners are all discussing how to make the pot bottom and how business is doing today, you are sharing insights into the various social phenomena and human warmth and coldness through the hot pot restaurant, highlighting the differentiation. For example, as a travel photography blogger, most accounts are comparing original and finished films. Adding some interesting shots and photography classics that interact with customers in your videos can not only showcase your professionalism in selecting locations and guiding posture, but also enhance the fun of the video and further differentiate the character design@ Xiaobudian and Shijie's Hot Pot Restaurant Homepage Video

在短視頻運營(yíng)中,打造人設?是至關(guān)重要的。一個(gè)鮮明的人設可以幫助創(chuàng )作者在眾多競爭者中脫穎而出,增加觀(guān)眾的信任度,從而達到變現的目的。通過(guò)明確的定位、持續的內容輸出和與觀(guān)眾的互動(dòng)交流,可以逐步建立起自己的人設,并不斷優(yōu)化和調整。只有這樣,才能在短視頻運營(yíng)的道路上走得更遠。

Creating a persona in short video operations? It is crucial. A distinctive persona can help creators stand out among numerous competitors, increase audience trust, and ultimately achieve monetization goals. Through clear positioning, continuous content output, and interactive communication with the audience, one can gradually establish their own persona and continuously optimize and adjust it. Only in this way can we go further on the road of short video operation.

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